Sale and lease back

Sale and
lease back

Selling Company-owned real estate

A company selling its own properties and renting them back – that is the core concept of “sale and lease back”. The advantages are obvious: The company generates liquidity from the property sale which it then can invest in its actual core business. Corporate value rises. In addition, there are no longer costs for maintaining the property: that is now up to the new owner. The selling company gains in flexibility: individual parts of the enterprise can be relocated or outsourced, space is rented as and when needed. Selling company-owned real estate is thus a component of structural change and making the company future-proof.

Level playing field between tenants and landlord

One of the most important preconditions for sale and lease back transactions succeeding is a level playing field. INBRIGHT as buyer and future landlord plans long-term together with the selling company. The future plans and wishes of the seller are incorporated into the drafting of the contract so that protection and participation are guaranteed. The motto is “built to suit”: INBRIGHT builds and modernises buildings to suit the needs of their tenants.

Alternative-use functionality through multi-tenant solution

As the new owner and investor, INBRIGHT can modernise vacant space and place it in the property market. The objective is to inject alternative-use functionality into the previously single-use business premises. Thus, sale and lease back is also a contribution to the economic revitalisation of what was a single-tenant property. As a multi-tenant solution, the business property is more secure for investors, because the loss of one tenant will not impact the whole real estate investment.

Non-binding and discreet information

You are contemplating whether or not to sell a company-owned property and then lease some or all of it back? Then contact INBRIGHT without any further obligation. We assure you of the highest discretion. Please also take a look at our acquisition profile.



INBRIGHT Development GmbH
Erasmusstraße 14
10553 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 403 686 2-0

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How we derived Our ESG strategy

In an initial workshop, we first developed core values for our company. The development of an ESG strategy for INBRIGHT is based on this: main topics were determined and validated based on a fixed evaluation scheme in a two-day workshop. On the one hand, the topics result from the requirements of national and international industry standards and frameworks, such as DGNB, LEED and GRESB, and, on the other hand, from general sustainability standards, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Sustainable Development Goals. The list of topics was ultimately supplemented by specific industry requirements from the Light Industrial area. The collection of topics was classified based on a fixed evaluation scheme in a materiality assessment using a two-dimensional matrix with the dimensions “Relevance to business” and “Effects on the government and society”. The topics with the highest values in both dimensions, and hence being above the materiality threshold, form the basis of our ESG strategy or our sustainability programme. The materiality assessment is revalidated annually with the participation of internal and external stakeholders and the assessment of the topics is adjusted accordingly. 

Our Contribution to the sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted in 2015 by the member states of the United Nations.
They set a road map for the sustainable social, economic and environmental transformation of our world by 2030.

The SDGs also offer us as a company a framework for contributing to a positive future for the world. Our ESG strategy is our contribution to tackling the greatest worldwide challenges, especially to achieving the following SDGs:

We respect diversity, a fair pay and participation structure and the indivdual promotion of out team members, thus contributing to equality of opportunity.

Economic success and a profitable investment strategy are for us the foundation for securing attractive jobs in the long term and contributing to healthy economic growth.

We promote a low-emission infrastructure by locating our properties close to existing residential areas, offering our tenants access to public transport. We modernise and reposition old industrial and commercial properties to make their use lower in emissions, cleaner and more flexible, thus making a noticeable contribution to sustainable industry.

When building and repairing our properties, we are careful to use innovative and engery-efficient systems so as to aviod unnecessary environmental pressures on the surrounding area. Wherever compatible with legislation and the comfort demands of our users, we reduce technical equipment to a minimum to promote the longevity of our properties.

We align both our company and our property projects to ESG criteria. This includes planning our properties in a way that is sparing of resources and ensures them a long useful life with maximum flexibility. We also maintain open interactions in the spirit of partnership with all those involved – from planners and building firms through to the eventual user.

Reducing emissions, especially CO2 emissions, has a high priority for us within our ESG strategy. We as a company aim to reduce and compensate for our CO2 footprint to make the most effective contribution we can to protecting the climate.